
用重离子实验数据推算质子翻转截面和轨道翻转率 被引量:3

Proton SEU Cross Sections and Rates Derived from Heavy-ion Test Data
摘要 空间单粒子辐射环境主要由重离子和高能质子构成,但在地面利用两种离子评估器件单粒子效应敏感度成本太高,因此利用重离子实验数据推算质子敏感参数成为一个非常活跃的研究课题.利用Barak经验公式,在重离子实验获得器件的σ LET值曲线的基础上,计算了几种典型器件在不同能量下的质子翻转截面以及典型轨道上质子引起的翻转率,并同FOM方法预示的质子翻转率进行了比较,其结果将对卫星电子系统抗辐射加固设计具有重要参考价值. The radiation environments concerned with single event upset mainly consist of heavy ions from cosmic ray and large flux proton from solar events and planetary radiation belts. The most reliable calculation for SEE rate induced by proton and henvy ions are the way to use the experimentally measured data rospectively. But it is too expensive to test devices with both heavy ions and protons. So it is necessary to derive models for predicting proton crosssections and rates from heavyion test data. At first the heavyion test data of four kinds of SRAM is introduced and fitted by Weibull function. Then by using newly reported Barak empirical formula, the proton cross sections at different energies and proton SEU rates on typical orbit are predicted. And the latter are also compared with that predicted by using FOM method. The predicted proton SEE rates have important application in radiationharden design of space electronics system.
出处 《原子核物理评论》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期66-69,共4页 Nuclear Physics Review
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(19775058 10075064)~~
关键词 重离子实验数据 单粒子效应 σ-LET值曲线 质子翻转截面 轨道翻转率 空间单粒子辐射环境 single event effect σ-LET curve proton upset cross-section orbital upset rate
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