
中韩两国消费者搜寻信息努力的比较研究 被引量:4

A Study on the Information Search Effort:A Cross-case Comparison of the Korean and Chinese
摘要 本研究在把信息源分为人员信息源和非人员信息源的基础上,建立了消费者搜寻信息努力、搜寻成果与搜寻满意的结构模型,然后根据此模型对中韩两国消费者搜寻信息努力、搜寻成果与搜寻满意进行比较分析,结果发现两国消费者之间在搜寻信息努力上既有共同性又有差异性,最后根据这些研究结果向中韩两国企业提供了为对方国消费者传递信息的策略性建议。 This study classifies the information sources into two types, thatis, personal sources and impersonal sources, and proposed the model showingthe relationship between the information search effort, and its outcome andsearch satisfaction. According to model the authors test the differentiationbetween the Korea consumer and the Chinese consumer on the informationsearch effort, and its outcome and search satisfaction.In this research the results suggest that the information deliver must takecare the difference of information source when they transmit the informationto different countries, because the degree of information search outcome andsearch satisfaction will be different for different countries.
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 2003年第2期38-46,共9页 Nankai Business Review
基金 韩国国立全北大学博士后研究基金(2001-2002年度)的资助
关键词 消费者 搜寻信息努力 比较研究 中国 韩国 计量尺度 国别检验 Information Search Effort Information Search Outcome Information Search Satisfaction
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