研究了华北平原秋萝卜滴灌条件下 ,不同滴灌频率处理对萝卜叶面积系数、叶绿素含量、萝卜周径膨大、萝卜干重积累、根长密度、根干重密度等萝卜生长参数的影响并比较了各处理间萝卜产量的差异 ,发现在华北平原下半年降雨较多的情况下种植秋萝卜 ;1滴灌频率无论是 1 d1次还是 8d1次 ,对萝卜生长发育都没有明显影响 ;
A field experiment was carried out to study on the effects of irrigation frequency on radish growth under drip irrigation in north China plain. The effects of irrigation frequency on LAI, chlorophyll content, body expanding, dry matter accumulation, root length density, root dry weight density in radish ware analyzed and discussed in this paper. Provided rainfall will supplied a significant portion of crop water requirements during radish growing season, it can be found that: ① there is no significant differences about radish growth among different irrigation frequency treatments, whether once every day or once every eight days; ② average weight per radish and yield per unit of land under drip irrigation are higher than those under furrow irrigation.
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
国家杰出青年科学基金 (4 0 12 5 0 0 2)
国家自然科学基金 (4 0 0 710 2 0 )