
一个新的水稻小粒矮秆突变基因的遗传鉴定 被引量:12

Genetic Identification of a New Small Grain Dwarf Gene in Rice
摘要 水稻品系 16 2 d是一个新发现的水稻小粒矮秆突变体。通过对 2 2 1个 SSR标记位点的多态性分析证明 16 2 d是由蜀恢 16 2突变产生的 ,16 2 d和蜀恢 16 2是一对近等基因系。对 F1 和 F2 代的遗传分析表明 16 2 d的矮生性由一对隐性基因控制。该基因的表型特点是株高为正常高度的 1/ 4左右 ,籽粒为正常大小的 1/ 4左右 ,结实很差 ,叶短而宽。该基因对赤霉素GA3 敏感 ,不位于 d1基因所在的水稻第 5染色体着丝点附近区域。因此 ,认为 16 2 d突变基因是一个新的水稻小粒矮秆基因。 Rice line 162d was a new small grain dwarf mutant. Analyses of 221 SSR loci demonstrated that 162d was derived from Shuhui 162 through mutation, and 162d and Shuhui 162 were a pair of near isogenic lines. Genetic analyses of F 1 and F 2 populations suggested that the dwarfism of 162d was controlled by a recessive gene. Phenotypic characteristics of the dwarf gene were that plant height was about one fourth of normal height, grain volume was about one fourth of normal volume, seed setting rate was very low and leaf was short and broad, compared with Shuhui 162. The dwarf gene was sensitive to gibberellin (GA 3), and was not located on the area near centromere of rice chromosome 5, where d1 gene located. Therefore, it was considered that the mutant gene of 162d was a new small grain dwarf gene in rice.
出处 《中国水稻科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期100-104,共5页 Chinese Journal of Rice Science
关键词 水稻 矫杆基因 遗传鉴定 遗传标记 基因定位 近等基因系 rice dwarf gene genetic identification genetic marker gene location near isogenic line
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