红眼玛弄蝶以幼虫在观赏竹上缀叶为虫苞 ,在苞中取食竹叶 ,幼虫 5龄。在广东 1a 5代 ,越冬幼虫于 3月上中旬开始取食 ,4月中旬化蛹 ,4月底 5月初羽化成虫。从第 1代起各代幼虫取食期分别为 5月上旬到 6月上旬、 6月中旬到 7月下旬、 7月下旬到 8月下旬、 8月下旬到 9月下旬、 10月下旬到翌年 4月下旬 ,各代成虫发生期从第 1代起分别为 4月底到 5月中下旬、 6月中旬到 7月上旬、 7月中旬到 8月上旬、 8月中旬到 9月中旬、 9月下旬到 10月下旬。
Matapa aria,a leaf pest on ornamental bamboos,occurs 5 generations a year in Guangdong Province.The overwintering larva resumes feeding behavior in early and mid,March,pupates in mid April,and adult emerges from late April to early May.The feeding periods of larvae of generations from the 1st to the 5th are early May to early June,Mid June to late July,late July to late Aug.,late Aug.to late Sept.,and late Oct.to late April the next year respectively.The adult stages of each generation occur in late April to mid May,mid June to early July,mid July to early Aug.,mid Aug.to mid Sept.and late Sept.to late Oct.respectively.The generations overlap.
Forest Pest and Disease