主要阐述了超级计算机热设计的原则、方法和步骤 ,结合具体的工程应用 ,介绍了各种冷却措施。认为热设计工程师应从冷却系统的功能、可用性规定指标和冷却系统的投资费用等一些基本原则出发 ,研制出一些更为有效的冷却方法 。
The principles, methods and steps involved in the thermal design for Super-computers are described in this paper, also various methods of cooling are introduced. The author believes that engineers of thermal design should take the following into consideration before they start the design process: functionality of the cooling system, specifications of usability and cost of the design etc. By so doing, some more effective and efficient methods of cooling should be developed which are supposed to meet the new requirements imposed by the relevant techniques in this field.
Electro-Mechanical Engineering