目的 探讨幽门螺杆菌 (Hp)细胞毒素相关蛋白A(CagA)与溃疡病的关系。方法 采用ELISA方法对 98例溃疡病患者进行血清CagA -Hp -IgG抗体检测 ,治疗后半年再次检测。结果 5 0例十二指肠球部溃疡 (DU)阳性率为10 0 % ,4 8例胃溃疡 (GU)阳性率为 83.3% ;半年后复检DU阳性率为 10 % ,GU阳性率为 7.5 % ,治疗前后两者阳性率具有显著性差别 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 CagA与溃疡病密切相关。
Objective To explore the relation between CagA of Hp and the ulcerous. Methods The CagA-Hp-IgG of serum from 98 cases with ulcerous diseases was determined by ELISA. After the treatment for half a year it was measured again by the same method. Results 100% positive reaction appeared in 50 cases with duodenum ulcers, and 83.3% positive reaction appeared in 48 cases with gastric ulcers; after the treatment lasted half a year, 10% positive reaction appeared in 50 cases with duodenum ulcers, and 7.5% positive reaction appeared in 48 cases with gastric ulcers. Conclusions The CagA of Hp and the ulcerous diseases have the close affinity.