With the progress of computers and other relevant technologies, more and more data are available from various databases at less and less cost. Naturally researchers and practitioners focus on the next step, i.e. data mining or knowledge discovery in an established database. To overcome the hardship of data mining in a spatial database, all the relevant approaches are utilized such as 'neural networks', 'cellular automata', 'genetic algorithms', 'expert systems', 'fuzzy modelling', 'dynamic modelling' and so on. In the middle of 1990s, Stan Openshaw recommended using 'GeoComputation' to name this new uprising field and his proposal was agreed by many experts who were engaged in it. This article introduces several representative definitions of GeoComputation and extracts its core meaning and current situation. Then it discusses the three most important reasons supporting GeoComputation as a discipline, demonstrates one of them, and analyzes nuances among Geomatics, GIScience, and GeoComputation.
Journal of Central China Normal University:Natural Sciences