与发社会主义市场经济“入世”接轨的要求相比 ,目前我国的政府管理职能还存在一些不适应的地方。“入世”后 ,我国经济加入全球化与国际经济接轨的进程将加快 ,这对政府的管理职能提出了重塑要求。政府管理职能重塑应以转变政府理念 ;转变行政管理模式 ,创立以服务为中心的政府管理机制 ;深化机构改革 ,建立健全按职能定岗机制 ;改革审批制度 ;简化政务工作程序 ;加强政府的对外管理职能 ;按照分工原则 ,合理划分中央和地方政府的职能 ;加强依法行政、监政 ,规范政府行为 ;
Our government functions are far from satisfactory and need to be improved in developing socialist market economy & meeting the demands of TVTO .The course that china's economy has become globalized has sped up after its entrance into WTO.In the new situation,government should renew its concept,improve its function,establish a service oriented institution,intensify reform in government reorganization,set up a mechanism according to functions and posts,reform examining & approving system,simplify the proceduce of working affairs,enforce its function,properly clivide central and local government duty according to the division of labour.supervise and execute its action by law and improve its way of policy-making.
Journal of Baoshan Teachers' College