目的 :研究丹参对大鼠肺水肿时E 选择素变化的影响。方法 :利用氯气造成大鼠反应性肺水肿 ,利用ELISA方法测定大鼠血中E 选择素浓度。结果 :肺水肿时E 选择素水平明显上升 ,应用丹参后E 选择素水平可下降约 5 0 %。结论 :丹参可降低E 选择素水平 。
Objective :We studied the effect of miltiorrhizae on the change of the concentration of E selectin in plasm of rat lung model of edema. Methods :the rat lung model of edema was prepared by being exposed to chlorine gas.double antibody sandwich quantitative ELISA method was used to measure the concentration of E selectin. Results :the plasma concentration of E selectin in rat exposured to chlorine gas were increased significantly in lung edema group,but that were decreased by 50% in miltiorrhizae group. Conclusions :miltiorrhizae can reduce the plasm concentration of E selectin,miltiorrhizae possessed protective effects on lung edema.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine