目的 :探讨早期急性牙槽脓肿中西医结合治疗方法。方法 :将急性牙槽脓肿 96例随机分为两组 ,中西医结合治疗组在常规牙体治疗的同时辅以连翘败毒丸加减进行治疗 ,对照组采用牙体治疗同时辅以常规抗生素等药物治疗 ,然后与各自治疗前的临床症状作比较。结果 :中西医结合治疗组 4 8例中 ,显效 39例 ,有效 6例 ,总有效率93 75 % ,显效病程平均 3 2天。对照组 4 8例中 ,显效 2 5例 ,有效 15例 ,总有效率 83 33% ,显效病程平均 6 8天。中西医结合治疗组的疗程明显低于对照组。结论 :中西医结合治疗早期急性牙槽脓肿疗程短 ,有效率高。
Objective :To investigate the therapeutic method of TCM and WM combined on early stage alveolar abscess. Methods :96 patients were randomly divided into two groups.Group of combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine were treated by routine odontopulpal operation with weeping forsythia detoxifactional pill plusmiuns,to exert it′s cleaning away heat,detoxifcation and absorbing clots,reliveing internal heat′s efficacy.Contrast group were simply treated by routine odontopulpal operation with penicillin or illotycin.Symptom was contrasted before and after treatemtn. Results :In 48 cases of combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine group,39 cases(81 52%) were fully recoverd,6 cases(12 50%) were effective,total effective tate was 93 75%,mean course of disease was 3 2 days.In 48 cases of contrast group,25 cases(52 08%) were fully recovered,15 cases (31 25%) were effectice,total effective rate was 83 33%,emean course of disease was 6 8 dyas,that was significantly higher than the other group. Conclusion :The course of treatment with combine traditional Chinese and western medicine to early stage alveolar abscess is short and its effective rate s high.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
early stage alveolar abscess
weeping forsythia detoxifacational pill
TCM and WM combined