介绍了一种针对中小型燃煤陶瓷窑炉烟气的治理方案。该方案通过采用自成型型煤作燃料 ,多管旋风除尘器和湍流塔消烟除尘 ,采用双碱法及往吸收液中加入活性剂等措施 ,除去烟气中的粉尘、SOx、NOx等 。
A treatment project for stack gas from medium-small coal-fired ceramics kiln is infroduced. Self-shaping moulding coal as fuel,mulfistage tubular cyclone,turbulent tower separator,double caustic method and addifion of acfive agent to the absoibent are used to remove dust,SOx,NOx etc so as to reach discharge target.
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