目的 :探讨经阴道超声对后位子宫肌瘤的诊断价值。方法 :先经腹部超声筛选后位子宫可疑肌瘤患者5 0 0例 ,再经阴道超声检查。结果 :后位于宫可疑肌瘤患者在阴道超声下能清晰的显示子宫实质 ,内膜回声 ,有无肌瘤 ,肌瘤位置、数量、大小。结论 :高分辨力的阴道超声在后位子宫经腹可疑肌瘤患者中 ,能准确诊断肌瘤 ,并对于宫腺肌症 (瘤 ) ,宫内膜息肉 ,妊娠物残留宫腔等的鉴别起一定的作用。因此 ,在后位子宫中应联合经腹经阴道二种超声途径检查。
Objective:To discuss the diagnostic value of leimyoma of uterus by ultrasonic examination of abdomen and vigina.Methods:After screened by ultrasonic examination of abdomen, five hundred suspected patients of behind uterus are then to be examined by the ultrasonic examination of vagina. Results:The body of uterus, the echo of myoma body including the location, quantity and its size can be distinguished clearly via ultrasonic examination of vagina. Conclusions:The vagina ultrasonic examination of high distinction can diagnose the behind-uterus myoma accurately after patients are screened by ultrasonic examination of abdomen. It is also helpful in distinguishing from other diseases, such as adenomyoma, endometrial polyps, pregnance acessivly retained with uterus. So we should use the ultrasonic examination of abdomen and vagina among the patients.
China Journal of Modern Medicine