文章介绍了适用于理科教师教学质量评价的量化评估体系。该体系将传统的问卷调查方式与现代教学测量评估方式相结合 ,并建立在对测试命题及测试结果的科学统计分析基础上。在物理化学教学中的应用表明 ,它较科学公正地反映出教师教学质量及存在问题 。
By combining the conventional questionnaire and modern investigation methods, a quantitative evaluation system for teaching quality of physical chemistry was established based on the examination database and the statistical analysis of examination results. The indices and mathematical model can scientifically showed the teaching quality and the underlying problems in teaching practice. The system has been playing an important role in maintaining the excellent teaching quality and in our striving for the best key course in Guangdong Province.
Journal of Guangdong University of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)