十六大确定的全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标 ,不仅要求今后 2 0年国民经济继续保持快速增长 ,使经济总量在 2 0 0 0年的基础上再翻两番 ;同时要求在发展中逐步缩小地区、城乡和工农之间的差距。为实现上述双重目标 ,作者认为在区域经济发展上应按照“和而不同”的原则 ,各创优势、要素流动、跨区整合、协力联动 ,以实现经济快速增长和地区协调发展的统一。
The target for the all\|round build\|up of a well\|off society set forth by the 16th Congress of CPC requires not only the speedy growth of national economy in the future 20 years to quadruple the GDP against 2000,but also demands gradual bridging the gap between different regions,between the city and countryside,as well as between the workers and peasants.In order to realize these dual targets,the principle of “concordance with difference”should be followed in the development of regional economy,while relying upon individual advantages,movement of critical elements,trans\|regional integration,and coordinated joint action to realize the combination of speedy economic growth with coordinated regional development.
Social Sciences of Beijing