
尿细胞学、NMP22和B超联合检查在膀胱癌患者随访中的应用 被引量:2

Combined use of urine cytology urine nuclear matrix protein22(NMP22) and transabdominal ultrasonography in the follow up study of bladder cancer
摘要 目的 :了解联合应用尿细胞学、尿核基质蛋白 2 2 (NMP2 2 )、经腹B超检查在膀胱癌术后患者随访中的价值。方法 :对 36例膀胱癌术后随访患者先行尿细胞学、尿NMP2 2、经腹B超检查 ,再行膀胱镜检查 ,以膀胱镜检查及活检为金标准 ,分析各种检查结果。结果 :36例经膀胱镜检查及活检证实肿瘤复发 17例。尿细胞学、尿NMP2 2、经腹B超检查的灵敏度分别为 4 7.1%、82 .4 %和 70 .6 %。三种检查联合应用的灵敏度为 94 .1% ,与膀胱镜检查比较差别无显著性意义。结论 :尿细胞学、尿NMP2 2。 Purpose:To evaluate the combined use of urine cytology,urine nuclear matrix protein 22(NMP22)test and transabdominal ultrasonography for the flollow up study of bladder cancer.Methods:Urine cytology,NMP22 and transabdominal ultrasonography were carried out for 36 cases of bladder cancer as follow up studies after surgical treatment. Cystoscopic and biopsy findings were used as the golden standard for the evaluation of the above 3 procedures.Results:Of the 36 patients, tumor recurrence occeurred in 17 on cystoscopy. The sensitivety of urine cytology, NMP22 and transabdominal ultrasonography were 47.1 %, 82.4 %, 70.6 % respectively. With combined use of the 3 methods, the sensitivity were 94.1 %.Conclusions:The combined use of urine cytology, NMP22 and transabdominal ultrasonography can elevate the sensitivity of the diagnosis of bladder cancer recurrence after operation.
作者 邵春南
出处 《临床泌尿外科杂志》 2003年第2期72-74,共3页 Journal of Clinical Urology
关键词 尿细胞学 NMP22 B超 联合 检查 膀胱癌 Bladder neoplasms Carcinoma Follow up studies
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