当前社会在倡导建立信用时所涉及的领域大多是个人、企业和政府 ,唯独忽视了新兴的社会组织——非营利组织的社会信用建设。本文试图通过对一些非营利组织信用失真问题进行分析 ,提出在该类组织发展的初始阶段 ,必须高度重视自身的社会公信力建设 。
When it comes to establishing social credit, individuals, enterprises and governments are usually the focus of attention, while the construction of social credit of newly developed non profit organizations (NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION,NPO) has been ignored. This paper proposes, based on the analysis of credit problems existing in some NPOs, that at the junior stage of their development, such NPOs should extent efforts in the construction of social credit and should establish practical system to ensure their high social credit.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)