陶渊明和谢灵运分别是田园诗和山水诗的开拓者 ,平生经历有相似之处 ,因此往往被人们并列起来。实际上 ,因为陶、谢各自的家庭背景和个性很不相同 ,他们的人生境界也不同。这种不同导致了他们归隐的差异 ,他们的做诗心态与诗风也因此而异。本文探讨了他们之间的诸多差异 。
Tao and Xie were the pioneers of pastoral poems and landscape poems respectively.Their experi- ences were somewhatalike and they were juxtaposed by some people.In fact,because ofthe differences be- tween their family backgrounds and individualities,they had different mental states,which brought about the difference between their seclusions. As a result,their mental state of writing poems and their poem style were different.This article is to probe into the above differences between them,thus finding the deep causes for the difference between their poems.
Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition)