本文论述了我国图书馆学研究的发展趋势———深化理论图书馆学研究 ,规范图书馆学基本概念、术语和范畴 ;加强应用图书馆学研究 ,密切图书馆学理论与实践的关系 ;开拓图书馆学交叉学科的新领域 ,提高图书馆学的学科地位 ;提倡具有中国特色的同时 ,我国图书馆学研究应与国际接轨 ,与世界融为一体。
This article discusses the developing trend of the research of library science in our country. The research of theoretical library science should be deepened to standardize the fundamental conceptions, terms and categories. The research of applied librarianship should be strengthened to inosculate theories with practices. New fields of crossed subjects in library science should be exploited to improve the subject status. As advocating Chinese characteristics, the research of national and international library sciences should fuse into one.
Research on Library Science