
变形链球菌重组质粒pcDNA3-pacA/pcDNA3-pacP免疫定菌鼠的实验研究:抗体水平测定分析 被引量:2

Research of Immunization with Recombinant Plasmid pcDNA3-pacA and pcDNA3-pacP against Dental Caries in Gnotobiotic Rats I:Measurement of Specific Anti-PAc S-IgA、IgG Valence
摘要 目的本研究将已构建的重组质粒pcDNA3-pacA和pcDNA3-pacP经下颌下腺区注射免疫Wistar大鼠,检测抗原物质刺激机体产生的特异性抗体水平的免疫原性。方法重组质粒pcDNA3-pacA、pcDNA3-pacP及pcDNA3-pacA与pcDNA3-pacP联合使用作为基因疫苗经下颌下腺区皮下注射免疫定菌鼠,利用ELISA法测定免疫后大鼠唾液S-IgA、血清IgG抗体水平。结果重组质粒可以诱导机体产生高水平的唾液S-IgA、血清IgG抗体,且明显高于空白组和阴性对照组(P<0.05)。结论重组质粒pcDNA3-pacA和pcDNA3-pacP均可作为有效的免疫原,诱导机体特异性的粘膜免疫应答。 Objective In this study,rats were immunized with pcDNA 3 -pacA and pcDNA 3 -pacP through submandibular gland,the valence of specific anti-PAc S-IgA,IgG were measured.Methods Gnotobiotic rats were vaccinated with pcDNA 3 -pacA,pcDNA 3 -pacP and combination use of pcDNA 3 -pacA and pcDNA 3 -pacP through submandibular gland.The valence of specific anti-PAc S-IgA in salivary,IgG in serum were measured.Results The specific anti-PAc S-IgA,IgG could be detected in all of recombinant plasmid groups.The level of salivary specific anti-PAc S-IgA and IgG in pcDNA 3 -pacA,pcDNA 3 -pacP,combination use of pcDNA 3 -pacA and pcDNA 3 -pacP groups were higher than negative control groups(P<0.05).Conclusion The recombinant plasmid pcDNA 3 -pacA and pcDNA 3 -pacP could provoke specific mucosal immune responses as a novel immunogen against dental caries.
出处 《上海口腔医学》 CAS CSCD 2003年第1期34-37,共4页 Shanghai Journal of Stomatology
关键词 重组质粒 基因疫苗 粘膜免疫 变形链球菌 抗原 抗体 免疫原性 龋病 recombinant plasmid gene vaccine mucosal immunization
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