近代中国妇女解放思潮形成于 19世纪末 2 0世纪初。它的兴起和形成并不是偶然的 ,与时局的严重压迫、新型知识分子群体的形成、近代西学与女权理论广泛流播密切相关。由于时代的复杂性 ,晚清妇女解放思潮的兴起又具有曲折性、地域性、政治化、外生型的特点。晚清妇女解放思潮是近代中国政治、经济、文化多种因素的结果 ,它不仅是社会进步的反映 。
The modern Chinese women liberation thoughts rose in the end of 19th century and the early of the 20th century . It was not accidental,and had much such factors as the serious crisis of the current political situation, the forming of modern intellectual and the influx of the western learning.Because of epoch complexity.it had such features as flexibility,polity and regionality,ect.In a word,the Late Qing Dynasty women emancipation thought was the result of inter action among many factors including the current politics?economics?ideology and culture,which reflected and improved social progress.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University
湖南省教育厅科研项目 (0 1C392 )