在知识经济时代 ,由于知识和信息的急剧增加 ,复印报刊资料作为以信息为劳动对象和劳动产品的机构 ,应特别注重知识的挖掘和开采等工作 ,必须尽快从信息处理和信息提供者的角色向知识管理者的角色转变 ,注重潜在价值的知识的开发、利用和转化 ,并根据不同用户的需求找准复印报刊资料的知识卖点 ,从而在作者与读者的共享过程中实现增值和创新。
In the intellectual economy times,because of the rapid increasing of the knowledge and information,duplicate newspaper and periodical material ainstitute used information as its labor object and product,should pay special attention to the knowledge's unearthing and extracting.The role should be changed as soon as possible from the information handle and provider to the knowledge administrator,and lay stress on the development,use and transform of the potential value of the knowledge.The selling point of the duplicate newspaper and periodical material should be found according to requirement of the different consumers and realize value added and blazing new trails in the sharing process of the writers and readers.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University