对何国瑞、易竹贤、陈国恩先生在《武汉大学学报》(人文科学版 )发表的关于《丰乳肥臀》的论争文章所涉及的三个问题 :一、2 0世纪五六十年代大学毕业的这代学人是否一贯正确 ?要不要反思 ?文学观念要不要发展、变化 ?二、文艺与政治的关系问题 ;三、文学作品中人物的阶级性及有关问题 (包括批评家和学者的态度、思想、方法等 ) 。
The treatise is an arguing response to the three main questions proposed by HE Guo-rui, YI Zhu-xian and CHEN Guo-en respectively in their the debating treatises on Moyan's Plump Breast and Hip: (1) Are the scholars in 1960s and 1970s were always correct both politically and academically? Do they need reexamine their criticism? Is it necessary to develop the literary concepts? (2) The relationship of literature and politics.(3) Characters' class consciousness and other aspects of criticism, including critic's or scholar's attitudes, research prospects and approaches.
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)