目的 :观察湿润烧伤膏美宝 (MEBO)对中小面积 (成人 <30 %体表面积 ,儿童 <15 %体表面积烧伤病人的治疗效果。方法 :全程采用MEBO治疗 2 10例烧伤病人 ,其中 12岁以下儿童12 4例 ,12~ 6 0岁 86例。其中深Ⅱ°以下创面 184例 ,深Ⅱ°伴Ⅲ°创面 2 6例。同时根据病情予以抗休克、抗感染、营养支持等全身综合性治疗。结果 :治愈 194例 ,因用药导致创面感染 ,改用磺胺嘧啶银 (SD -AD)治愈 8例 ,植皮 8例。结论 :湿润烧伤膏美宝 (MEBO)对中小面积浅度烧伤有较好的疗效 ,相对SD -AG治疗创面愈合时间平均缩短 3~ 4d ,对相对面积较大或伴有深度烧伤创面易引起创面感染。
Objective:To observe the efficacy of MEBO in treating middle and small area burn,(adults<30%TBSA,children<15%TBSA) Methods:210 cases were treated with MEBO 124 cases aged under 12 years,86 cases aged from 12 to 60years 184 cases had superficial second degree burn Results:194 cases healed and 8 cases healed with SD-AG alteratively,8 cases healed after skingrafted Conclusion:The results are satisfactory in meddle and small burn area The author made a brief discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of MEBO compare with SD-AG