本文给出了一种基于假彩色的像素级多传感器图像融合算法 ,并将其用于两幅灰度图像的融合中 .这种算法将现有的图像融合技术和彩色显示技术相结合 ,在灰度融合图像的基础上利用色差来表现原图像与灰度融合图像的细节差异 .该算法分为三步 :首先 ,用选择与平均相结合的方法得到两幅原图像的灰度融合图像 ;接着 ,求出灰度融合图像与两幅原图像的差异图像 ;最后 ,将两幅差异图像和灰度融合图像分别送至R、G、B颜色通道进行显示 .比起灰度融合图像 ,最终得到的彩色融合图像在色彩上更丰富 ,包含更多的细节 ,直觉上更容易辨认 .
A pixel-level multisensor image fusion algorithm based on false color is proposed and used to fuse two gray images.This method combines image fusion technique with color display technique and shows the detail differences between the gray fusion image and original images by different colors after obtaining a gray fusion image.There are three steps in this algorithm.First,a gray-level fusion image of two original images is obtained by the hybrid average and selection fusion technique.Then,two images showing differences between two original images and gray-level fusion image are generated.At last,these two images including differences and the gray-level fusion image are sent to R,G,B color channels respectively.Compared with the gray-level fusion image,the final color fusion image generated by this algorithm has more color variation,more details and the targets in it is easy to be recognized.
Acta Electronica Sinica