设计了闭式循环柴油机 (CCD)的监控系统 .针对CCD系统的运行特点和特殊要求 ,基于系统分析和仿真研究 ,确定了CCD监控系统的体系结构和控制策略 .在氧气补充控制中采用前馈 反馈控制方式 .同时 ,分析了在CO2 吸收控制中采用保持压力恒定和保持水流量恒定两种不同方式时控制系统的构成和工作机理 .该系统能实时监视系统工作状况并同时考虑了系统的开。
The facilities and control strategies were determined to meet the special requirements of closed cycle diesel (CCD) system. The feedforward feedback method was used in oxygen replenishment control. Two methods for CO 2 absorption control were discussed. One was to keep the total pressure constant, regulating the water flow to the absorber and controlling the CO 2 absorption rate. The other was to keep the maximum of water flow rate on the condition that the total pressure was changed according to the load variation, and the balance between the CO 2 absorption rate and its generation rate depended on the inherent regulation. The control system proved to have good control effect by simulation with regard to the CCD equipment configuration. The working conditions for monitoring and safety measures of CCD system were discussed.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)