股权稀释的过程是员工热情极大释放的过程;阶梯状产业多元化有效地规避了风险;赢家与输家的差异大多在于领导能力…… 从150万元注册资金到拥有13亿元资产,新大陆这家毫无争议的fast company昨天面对的和今天面临的,都值得我们关注。
Begun with 17 people and a registered capital of 1.5 million yuan, New Land S&T Group has developed into a high-tech intergrative service provider with an asset of 1.3 billion yuan and 18 subsidiary companies which independently own patent products in the fields of electronic information and telecommunication, biochemical pharmacy and environmental technology. The total assets of the company have increased almost 100 times.The three major businesses are ladder-like.The company could avoid the risk effectively without the necessity to put equal energy and money into them. What this undeniable fast company faced yesterday and will face tomorrow does deserve our special attention.
China Science and Technology Fortune Magazine