知识经济时代 ,高等教育面临着多方面、多层次的挑战。为发展我国的高等教育事业 ,从战略上讲 ,要走大众化道路 ;从策略上讲 ,要做到可持续发展 ;从目标上讲 ,要培养创新型人才。实现高等教育大众化和可持续发展及培养创新型人才必须相适应的策略和方法。
Our higher education is challenged in many ways and at different levels in the times of knowledge economy.Inorder to develop,strategically, we have to take the popular road of higher education,tactically we have to carry out the policy of sustainable development to achieve the aim of cultivating various innovative talents.This article deals with the strategies we should choose to realize the goal.
Journal of Shayang Teachers College