魏时描摹女性生活颇为全面 ,一是多有对盛女不嫁的怨恨 ,但此类描摹或有寄托 ;二是写离别相思 ;三是写对幸福爱情的渴望 ;四是同情弃妇 ;五是对男女欢宴的欣悦。晋时描摹女性生活之作 ,一是多强调社会伦理 ;二是多关注诗人自身的爱情生活 ,或直述夫妻相思 ,叙写夫妻感情 ,并多有“悼亡”之作。魏晋诗歌对女性及女性生活 ,从全面关注走向对自身的审视 ,此中既有对前代的继承 。
Women's life was portrayed in many ways in the Wei Dynasty due to maidens' resentment against marriage,Such a portrayal expresses some expectations,their yearning for love when departing from one another,their sympathy for abandoned wives as well as the rejorcings among the sexes whereas portrayals of women's life in the Jin Dynasty emphasize social ethics,attention to amorous life or the yearning for love,and affection of spouses in addition to some mourning pieces.Wei_Jin_Dynasty poetry concerning women and their lives eveloped from all_sided attention to self_scrutiny in which there existed not only the inheritance from the former dynasty,but also the originality of the time therein.
Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition