《文心雕龙》的文体论部分在学术上有不可忽视的价值和意义。它“文”、“笔”并重 ,强调有补于世的务实文风 ,是摒弃文坛浮艳文风的宣言书 ,是我国写作学史上文体研究的典范 ,是包括文学文体和各种非文学文体写作的理论指南 ,是构成《文心雕龙》
The stylistics in Wen Xin Diao Long has its significance that is not ignorable in academia and its stress is put on the utilitarian style in both literary grace and writing as well as on the discard of flowery verbiage.It is also a paragon for style research in Chinese writing history,thus referred to as theoretical guidelines on literary styles including various non_literary writings,all of which constitute the cornerstone of the whole theoretical system in Wen Xin Diao Long .
Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition