大陆法系各国在刑事诉讼法中普遍采用的自由心证制度 ,多年来被误认为是法官可以随心所欲判案的资产阶级工具。今天 ,我们透过自由心证产生的社会背景 ,仔细探究它的现实价值的哲学基础 ,多方论证了自由心证决不是资产阶级所特有。作为文化遗产 ,它的科学性完全可以被社会主义国家所接受 ,并为之提供更加完善的证据判断标准。因此 ,我国的诉讼立法有必要借鉴自由心证。
The Inner Conviction,adopted by major law schools in different countries,is mistaken as a tool for the capitalist to decide a case as he pleases.Considering its origin and studying its value in philosophy,however,it's clear that the Inner Conviction is not only entitled to the capitalism.As cultural heritage of human being,it will perfect the norm of judgement.Hence,it's necessary to use it for reference to improve procedural law in our countvy.
Journal of Gansu Education College(Social Sciences)