作者在文中通过对“打工妹之家”会员的个案描述与分析 ,叙述了打工妹离开农村来到城市后的经历 ,以及她们在城市中作为边缘人的生存状况和体验。她们不愿意再回到农村 ,在城市里逐渐建立起新的社会支持网络。改善打工妹的生存状况 ,是维护社会公平题中应有之义。
This article describes and analyzes individual case of the members o f'Manual Worker Sisters Family',their experience from rural area to urban districts and their subsisting condition and practice as'borderer'. They have no willing to return to native place.They have gradually set up a new social support network in urban districts.The article therefore concludes that how to improve their subsisting condition is an issue concerning the maintenance of social equity.
Journal of Changsha Social Work College