通过 2 0 0 0年福建省 19- 2 2岁的 15 5 8名大学生体质健康状况的调查研究 ,分析 2 0 0 0年城市和农村大学生体质状况的差异 ,以及同 1995年 15 6 0名大学生身体形态、身体素质和身体机能类所测均数进行对比分析 ,发现 1995年 - 2 0 0 0年大学生体质状况大部分项目属下降水平 ,分析其存在原因 ,并提出增强学生体质的新建议和方法 ,为大学生综合健康素质的提高提供有利的科学依据。
Based on the investigation on physique and health status of 1558 collage students in the age of 19~22 in Fujian Province in 2000,the difference of physique statue of collage students between cities and country is analyzed, and comparision on body shape, physical fitness and function between the 1558 students in 2000 and 1560 students in 1995 is made as well. A decline is found on most test items of physiques status of students from 1995 to 2000. The cause of decline is analyzed and suggestions and measures are thereupon put forward to provide scientific basis for enhancing student physique.
Fujian Sports Science and Technology