运用多学科、多手段相结合的方法 ,从区域构造稳定性、构造岩研究、构造裂隙统计分析、红外相位法位移监测、高密度电阻率法、钻探验证、年代学研究、新构造运动分析、遥感图像解译、地震安全性评价、数值模拟、工程地质条件分析等方面入手 ,对信阳市燃气混气站的断裂活动性和场地稳定性进行了全面而系统的论证 ;指出场区断裂规模小 ,第四纪无大规模差异升降运动 ,无活动断裂通过 ,邻区地震活动小且弱 ,区域构造稳定性高 ,应力平缓 ,工程地质条件良好 ,是一个稳定的“岛区” ,并指出系统而全面的综合研究方法是研究工程稳定性项目行之有效的手段。
This paper studys systematically fracture activity and area stability of the gas-works site of Xingyang City , Henan Province by use of different subjects and techniques such as structural geology , geomorphology, Quaternary geology , neotectonics, analysis of remote sensing information, chronology, numerical modeling of current stress field, ultrared distance measurement, 2D resistivity imaging survey , statistical analysis of tectonic joints , condition analysis of engineering geology , etc. All of these indicate fault activity and stability of the gas-works site of Xinyang City, Henan Province,and conclusions of the researches provide scientific basic for the engineering construction of the gas-works.
Journal of East China Geological Institute
国家自然科学基金项目 (No.49972 0 68)