探地雷达技术是一种利用电磁波反射原理探测地下介质分布特征的地球物理勘探技术 ,其探测方式主要有剖面法 (CommonDepthPoint)和宽角法 (WideAngleReflectionandRefraction)两种。不同的探测方式可解决不同的冰川问题。探地雷达在冰川学中广泛应用于探测冰体厚度、冰下地形、冰裂缝、冰体内部沉积层位、冰川水文特征、划分冰川冰类型等 ,为冰下槽谷、冰川结构、冰川流动机制。
GPR is an active remote-sensing method,which includes Common Depth Point(CDP) and Wide Angle Reflection and Refraction(WARR).Different mode can be used to figure out different glaciology problem.GPR is applied to glaciology such as determining ice thickness,subice topography,basal crevasses, internal reflection horizons,and hydrological features etc.So it can provide abundant and authentic datum for the follow studies:subice valley,glacier structure,ice flow mechanism,water resource evaluation and variation of climate and environment etc.
Journal of East China Geological Institute
中科院冰芯与寒区环境开放实验室基金 (BX2 0 0 1 - 0 4 )