现行铁路客车空调系统的额定制冷量和采暖量是根据铁道部标准 (TB195 5 - 87)的客车采暖通风设计参数来计算的 ,考虑的是最不利的情况 .为保证车内温度的稳定 ,建议根据外部温度的变化自动调节铁路客车空调系统 ,并提出了自动调节系统的设计思路 .
The rated refrigerating and heating amount of air-conditioning system in the current railway passenger trains are calculated according to the heating and ventilating designing parameters based on the criteria of Ministry of Railway (TB1955-87),which takes into accounts all the most unfavorable situations.To ensure the stable temmperature inside railway carriages,this easy describes the automatic regulation of air-conditioning system on the basis of changing temperature outside carriages,and puts forward designing methods.
Journal of Hunan Institute of Engineering(Natural Science Edition)