描述了 Windows SDK通过 icmp.dll这个动态链接库来使用 ICMP,讨论了一些能够发送 ICMP请求信息和接收应答信息的接口函数。然后描述了一个控制程序 ,此程序通过发送 ICMP回送请求 (echo requests)追踪通往指定的Internet主机的路径 ,记下请求通往指定主机的路径上所碰到的其他主机 。
Depicts Windows SDK using ICMP via Icmp dll,discusses some interface functions which can send ICMP request and receive respondent information After this,A control program was analysed,which pursues path to specified internet host computer by sending ICMP echo requests,takes down the name of other host computers meeting on the path and trip time to these host computers
Modern Electronics Technique