应用模糊测试理论和模糊规划理论 ,针对决策约束条件的不确定性和目标的不确定性 ,研究了不确定性 Stackeberg冲突决策的数学模型 ,探讨了模糊平衡解与 Mash平衡解 (或 Nash平衡结局 )的关系 ,给出了解的一致性分析。经过模拟分析验证了模型与方法的可行性 。
In this paper, based on considering the uncertainty in the objective decision making and sanction condition, the model of mathematics on the uncertainty Stackeberg conflict decision making is studied in the theory of fuzzy measures and fuzzy programming, and relationship with fuzzy equilibrium and fuzzy Nash equilibrium(or Nash equilibrium outcome)is discussed, finally the consensus analysis in the solution is given.By simulation, we prove the feasibility of these models and the method, and then provide the useful and efficient decision support systems for the decision making under risk in military efficiency.
Systems Engineering Theory·Methodology·Applications
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (7993 0 90 0 )
中国博士后基金资助项目 (中博基 [2 0 0 2 ] 0 3 2 12 7)