天然气藏的形成是一个散失与聚集的动态平衡过程 ,因此晚期成藏更有利于天然气的保存。对我国中部、西部天然气成藏特征分析表明 ,新构造运动对天然气的晚期成藏起着非常重要的控制作用 ,主要表现在 4方面 :1晚期成盆有利于气源岩晚期供气 ,晚期快速沉降作用有利于气源岩的晚期快速熟化 ;2新构造运动为天然气晚期成藏提供了新的动力 ;3晚期圈闭的形成控制着天然气的晚期成藏 ;
The accumulation of natural gas is a dynamic equilibrium process of gas accumulating and dissipating. The late accumulation is more favorable for the gas preservation. By analyzing the characteristics of natural gas pools in Midwest China, it is indicated that the modern structure movement significantly controls the late accumulation of natural gas, which is showed in four points: ① the late accumulation is favorable for the late generating gas of gas source rocks and the late quick subsidence is also advantageous to the late quick curing of gas source rocks; ② The modern structure movement provides the new driving force for the late accumulation of gas; ③ The late formation of traps controls the late accumulation of natural gas; ④ The late fractures act as the migration pathway for the late accumulation of shallow gas. This article will work in the four points.
Natural Gas Geoscience