在以原料作为配料计算的基础之上 ,提出了“元配料”的概念 ,并指出了在坯釉料配方计算、配合料制备、建立预报性能的数学模型以及寻优等方面应用的可能性。元配料概念的提出及其应用将可简化以上工作 ,使之更加迅捷有效 ,并更容易实现程式化电算 ,从而成为陶瓷工艺人员的有用工具。而且 ,还可望简化生产组织和提高管理水平 ,并对构建我国的陶瓷原料加工工业、早日实现坯料商品化起到一定的促进和推动作用。
The concept of Meta-batch is raised in this paper,which was founded on recipe calculation with raw-materials composition.Furthermore,the possibility of its application in recipe calculation for glaze and body,preparation of batch material,founding mathematical model for anticipating the performance,and optimization is probed,it is prospected that the application of meta-batch will make all these work more easier,rapid and precise,the program calculation will be more easier and became the essential means for technological engineers.The more means lies on that it will simplify work procedure and improve the level of management,prompt the process of establishing the industry of materials fabrication,realizing the commercialization of ceramics body material at last.
2003年第2期12-16 , ,共5页