The particular switch concerned here is a Three-Stage Time-space-time (TST)interconnection network and performs the time-division circuit switching. The input and outputstages are Time Slot Interchangers (TSI) . The central stage is a time-multiplexed switch with twoports per address. By exploiting the channel grouping at the central stage as well as reducing theaverage loading at each internal frame, the three-stage multicast switch has potential to removealmost all slot contention blockings.
The particular switch concerned here is a Three-Stage Time-space-time (TST)interconnection network and performs the time-division circuit switching. The input and outputstages are Time Slot Interchangers (TSI) . The central stage is a time-multiplexed switch with twoports per address. By exploiting the channel grouping at the central stage as well as reducing theaverage loading at each internal frame, the three-stage multicast switch has potential to removealmost all slot contention blockings.