目的 探讨敏感、简单、可行的 VCM致肝细胞损伤的早期临床诊断指标。 方法 应用劳动卫生学、血清学、病例与对照实验学方法调查研究。 结果 接触组血清中羟脯氨酸、氨基已糖的含量高于对照组 ,统计学分析差异有显著性。 结论 血清中羟脯氨酸、氨基已糖含量可以反映职业危害因素 VCM对肝细胞的损伤情况 ,可以用该指标来进行定期职业健康监护或跟踪调查的项目。
Objective To study on a sensitive, simple and feasible clinical diagnostic index of VCM leading to liver cell harm in early period. Methods Application of labour hygiene, serology , medical history with check against experiment. Result The hydroxy proline and hexosamine were measured higher in contact group than control group. Statistic analysis shows significant difference. Conclusion Hydroxy proline and hexosamine contents inside serum can reflect the occupational dangerous factor of VCM that leads to liver cell harm . The index can be used as an item in periodical occupational health survey as follow-up investigation.
Practical Preventive Medicine