[目的 ]了解上海市场上常用的装饰用石材的天然放射性水平。 [方法 ]用半导体γ谱仪分析低比活度γ放射性样品的标准方法。 [结果 ]大理石样品均符合国标中A类要求 ,花岗岩有部分超A类产品。 [结论 ]大理石的天然放射性属于环境本底水平 ,花岗岩中放射性远远高于大理石产品。
To determine the natural radioactivity level of the rocks used to decorate in Shanghai market. Standard methods were used for analyzing low specific gamma radioactivity of samples by semiconductor gamma spectrometers. All the samples of the marble conform to the level A of the national standard and some of the granite are higher than the level A. [Conclusion] Natural radioactivity in the marble is equal to the environmental level,radioactivity in the granite is much higher than that in marble. The decorative materials in the living house of national standard A should be used.
Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine