从江苏省农业科学院粮食作物研究所保存的近万份稻种资源中,取出太湖流域地方品种1670份,测定它们的化感作用,从中发现对油菜(Brassicacampestris L,)生长有轻微影响的品种35份,对油菜生长有抑制作用的品种68份,对油菜生长有致死作用的品种49份。这种抑制作用是否可以作用于水田杂草,还需要进一步的实验证据,但已可以证明水稻种质资源中确实存在着具有化感作用潜质的品种。
1670 landraces from Tai Lake Region,which were taken out of approxi- mately ten thonsand of rice germplasm preserved at the institute,were evaluated for al- lelopathy.The results indicated that 35 entries had slightly inhibitory effects on seedling growth of Brassica campestris L.,68 accessions had inhibitory effects,49 rice varieties had fatal effects.Allelopathic potential did exist in rice germplasm,though the inhibitory ef- fects on aquatic weeds are needed to make further research.
江苏省科技厅 BK2001501项目资助课题