现代齿轮传动向着体积小、重量轻、高速重载方向发展。因此齿面胶合和磨损已成为主要的破坏形式。理论和实践证明 ,齿轮间润滑油膜的存在及其厚度对防止齿面失效具有重要意义。利用弹性流体动压润滑理论 ,推导出螺旋齿轮传动中的最小油膜厚度的解析计算公式 ,为进一步研究螺旋齿轮润滑提供了依据。
The thickness of the lubricating oil film existing in the clearance between the gear surfaces and oil film greatly effects on preventing the failure of the gear surfaces in the gear transmission So,this paper derives the calculating formulas to the min oil film thickness of the toroidal gear transmission by hydrodynamic lubrication principle, and it lays fundation for further studing lubrication of toroidal gear
Journal of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute