[目的 ]探讨后鼻孔出血的新的治疗方法和不同浓度的消痔灵对后鼻孔出血的疗效 .[方法 ]将 112例后鼻孔出血患者随机分成 2个组 .A组 :用消痔灵原液与 2 0mg/L利多卡因以 2∶2的比例混合的针剂进行治疗 ;B组 :用消痔灵原液与 2 0mg/L利多卡因以 1 5∶2 5的比例混合的针剂进行治疗 .[结果 ]两组的治疗效果无明显差异 ;全组病例中一次注射后止血 83例 ( 74% ) ,二次注射后止血 110例( 98% ) ,三次注射后止血 112例 ( 10 0 % ) .多次的反复操作并未引起明显并发症 .[结论 ]经腭大孔翼腭窝内注射低浓度的消痔灵液是治疗后鼻孔出血的有效方法之一 .
OBJECTIVETo discuss new methods of curin g choanal hemorrhage and the effects of injecting of Xiaozhiling with different co ncentrations.METHODSThe choanal hemorrhage patients were ran domly divided to A and B of two groups. Group A was treated with pure Xiaozhilin g and 20mg/L of lidocaine in proportion 2∶2 and group B with pure Xiaozhiling and 20mg/L of lidocaine in proportion 1.5∶2.5, and the effects were obser ved and compared.RESULTSThere are no obvious differences betwee n two groups. 83 cases(74%) of choanal hemorrhage were stanched with once treatm ent, 110 cases (98%) with twice treatment and 112 cases (100%) with third trea tm ent, and there are no permanent side effects after repeated treatment. CONCLUSIONInfection of low concentration of the Xiaozhiling from t he p terygopalatine and pyerygopalatine fossa is one of effective methods for treatin g the choanal hemorrhage.
Journal of Medical Science Yanbian University