通过减小喷油器针阀、弹簧座和弹簧等运动件的质量 ,达到减小喷油器运动惯量的目的 ;通过减小压力室直径 ,达到减小压力室容积的目的。最后将带有新设计的低惯量小压力室喷油器的柴油机进行排放性能测试 ,结果表明柴油机排放得到了改善 。
In order to improve gaseous and PM emissions from engine, it is an effective way to minish the mass of injector moving part and pressure chamber. With low inertia of injector and small pressure chamber designs by means of minishing the mass of needle valve, spring, spring seat and diameter of pressure chamber, the design requirements is met. This design method is proved to be successful by the emission characteristic improvement of Model 495A diesel engine after redesign.
Vehicle Engine