辛亥革命时期 ,日本出自自身利益的考虑 ,采取反对袁世凯的政策 ,引起两者关系的紧张与恶化。但最终由于英国等国的干预 ,日本被迫妥协 ,放弃了对袁敌视的政策。从日本和袁世凯的关系中 ,我们可以看出 ,两者都是从自己的私利出发对待辛亥革命的。
During the Xinhai Revolution,the Japanese Government took for its own interests the hostile policy against Yuan shikai. Thus brought about tension and worsened the relationship as well. But later,Japan had to come to compromise and put away its hostility because of the intervention from the British and other imperialist powers, From this, we may see that both sides took the same atitude on the Xinhai Revolution according to their own interests.
Journal of Hechi Normal College