本文对经济欠发达地区某高校大学生体育参与意识的调查表明 ,大部分学生对体育课教学是持欢迎态度的。同时也了解到大学生体育锻炼的态度、参与情况及存在的一些问题 ,为学校体育工作计划的制定、体育教学内容的调整、教学方法的改进提供较为可靠的依据。
The paper,by surveying the sense of sports participation revealed by the stusents at a college in a less-developed area,concludes a great majority welcomes that Physical education.And it anticipates that,the reliable factors obtaines in the survey,such as the students' attitudes toward Physical education,their participation and the matters relevant,contribute to the formulating of the work plan for Physical education,the adjusting of the programs and the improvement of the teaching methods.
Journal of Hechi Normal College