辛亥革命时期 ,日本为了维护自己的利益 ,并加以扩大 ,先是想用武力镇压革命党人 ,但因各种原因未能得逞 ,之后 ,又想支持革命党人 ,但附加危害中国主权的条件 ,因而遭到革命党人的拒绝。从日本与革命党人的关系中我们可以看出日本帝国主义的侵略本质。
durign xinhai revolution,Japan in order to protect and enlareg her benefit,she wanted to supress the revolutionist at the beginning.but she did not succeed because of all sorts of reasons .Then she intended to support the revolutionist,but adding up the condition which endangered China's authority .Naturally it was rejected by the revolutionist.Fron this we can see the aggressive nature of Japan's imperialism.
Journal of Hechi Normal College